Fish For Livelihood Post-Harvest Innovation in Myanmar
2020 - 2021
Asper was selected by WorldFish to (i) assess the potential innovations and/or practices for improved post-harvest handling and processing; (ii) improved nutritional quality and food safety; (iii) empower existing small holder post-harvest women (vendors and processors), and provide opportunities or market linkages for the EU and GIZ funded Myanmar Sustainable Aquaculture Project (MYSAP) Inland women farmers to expand their aquaculture businesses.
MYSAP Inland is promoting integrated agriculture-aquaculture with vegetable and fruit production on pond embankments, fish culture in small-scale fish ponds and providing training on the benefits of eating fish and improved diet diversity to address food and nutrition security in Myanmar.
MYSAP Inland is also supporting interventions aim to reduce post-harvest loss and spoilage, and to provide fish that is safe for consumers as well as increase income through value added fish products. These post-harvest activities have been working within traditional methods, though have identified many opportunities to improve nutritional quality, food safety and reduce spoilage, as well as, the business models and market systems which the small holder fish vendors and post-harvest processors operate.
MYSAP works with both women and men through existing small-scale aquaculture business, though current gender norms position more men as farmers. As part of their commitment to gender equality, MYSAP is looking for opportunities to better reach and engage with women-led fish businesses. Women make up the majority of small holder fish retailers and processors in Myanmar and MYSAP aims to strengthen this network and their voice as key actors in this sector.